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Do you wish you could see your angels?

And imagine if your intuition was spot on, always knowing exactly what you should do.

But, how do you awaken this ability? And, do you even have this gift?

What's the benefit, and should you even bother trying?

As you learn to see your angels, you'll also begin to see energy and auras too. Your intuition increases and you receive accurate guidance from the Divine.

Many spiritual practises can appear complicated and confusing, but what if instead they were explained in an easy to understand way?

To awaken your clairvoyance you need to open your third eye chakra. But, there's several other factors to keep in mind.

Everyone has a third eye chakra (yes, including you!) which means you have the natural gift of clairvoyance. Maybe you've tried opening up this ability before, or you may have never explored your spiritual abilities until now.

Think of it like a box of treasures in the attic, even if you aren't using it, it's still there. And, when the time is right you simply have to open up the box to reveal the treasures inside.

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The benefit of opening your third eye and your clairvoyance is you get clear and accurate guidance. You'll have a sense of direction and clarity. Anxiety and stress subside as you have faith and trust in your angels. And yes, you start to see energies, auras, and the light of your angels too.

Learning to awaken your clairvoyance doesn't have to be confusing, or take years and years. You can start developing your spiritual sight, intuition, and connection to your angels right now, with easy to understand practises.

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Increase your happiness by increasing your intuition

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Let me guide you through a powerful third eye meditation with three incredible angels.

Learn how to balance your chakras (as focusing on the third eye chakra alone won't work)

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Discover the power of crystals and how to work with certain types to increase your clairvoyance. Learn how different foods can play a role in your psychic and spiritual abilities. And, experience the energy of healing flowers that open your third eye.

Plus, you'll also gain access to a special Flower Therapy Third Eye Talisman!

So let's work with your angels to awaken your third eye and open your clairvoyance!

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Inside this online course you'll gain instant access to nine powerful video lessons that you can watch in your own time, as often as you like.

Limited Time Offer
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Understand the function and power of the centre for spiritual insights as we begin working on your third eye.

While the third eye is powerful you don’t want to forget about balancing all of your other energy centres too! In this lesson I’ll also guide you through a Chakra Clearing.

Discover the angels that can help you open up your spiritual gifts and clairvoyance. You’ll also be guided through a powerful Angel Awakening meditation.

Learn how to work with crystals to awaken your third eye and discover powerful ways to work with each one.

Discover healing flowers that will support the blossoming of your third eye. I’ll also teach you how to work with the Flower Therapy Third eye Talisman which you can download and print at home.

Learn some potent foods that can open you up psychically and enhance your intuition.

Bring through beautiful messages from your angels through channelled writing.

Clear your third eye with healing energy of your heart and enjoy a beautiful meditation to awaken your heart energy.

Add these techniques to your spiritual routine and allow your Divine gifts to awaken and grow!

Hi, I'm Robert, and I'd love to help you!

For many years I've travelled the world teaching workshops and seminars about spirituality, healing and angels. I've written best-selling books and oracle cards that have been translated into over 15 languages. And I'm excited to share this spiritual guidance with you - in the comfort of your own home. You'll join students from over 70 countries when you join me for my high quality online courses. And every lesson feels like I'm talking directly to you as I channel spiritual wisdom to help you change your life.

Watch motivational videos, listen to uplifting audio MP3s, or read along with typed transcripts

Learn how to awaken your third eye with 9 powerful lessons

Awaken your natural gifts of spiritual sight and clairvoyance

Connect with your angels and intuition on a more profound level

Lifetime access so you can access the course as many times as you like, whenever you feel guided.

Learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home – or anywhere with an internet connection!

Enjoy your course on any device – computer, tablet, or even your phone!

Gain access to the exclusive members-only Facebook group for The Academy of Spiritual Development

Special Sale Price Ending Soon

Limited Time Offer
SAVE 57%

Ending Soon:

FOR 2023

Gain access to the Setting Your Intentions online course, plus receive the Crystal Kit for 2023 and additional crystal video lessons

  • Setting Your Intentions for 2023 Online Course (Value: $97)
  • Crystal Lessons for 2023 (Value: $47)
  • Crystal Kit (Value: $160)
  • Worldwide Shipping (Value: $10 - $50)
  • Total Value: $320 AUD





The Awaken Your Third Eye Class is filled with my heart and soul. So, I happily offer a 30-day 100% money back guarantee in case my style of teaching just isn’t your cup of herbal tea.